
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

YAY!! I was nominated for a Liebster award!! It is an award that recognizes up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers. Huge thank you to Liz over at Beyond Blonde Blog for nominating me!!

Here's how it works:

1. List 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each blogger's page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
My 11 random facts
1. I eat Chipotle at least 2 to 3 times a week
2. I have to sleep with two blankets on each night, no matter how hot I get
3. I secretly like Taylor Swift and Justin Beiber..yikes!
4. I work, on average, 60 hours a week
5. Reese's Eggs taste better than regular Reese's to me
6.I'm addicted to Instagram (follow me: Morganharts86)
7. When I get home from work, I sit on the couch for 20 min and do not move. No TV, no phone, o computer. My job is censory overload sometimes
8. I ask my husband every week for a Macbook Air..I still haven't received it :(
9. I am the Educator Coach at Aveda Institute by day and housewife by night
10. My hair is naturally curly, but I blow dry it and curl it with a curling iron every single day
11 Questions..Answered
1. What is the one TV show that you cannot miss?
Nashville..I make sure that I do not have plans on Wednesday night
2. What is best vacation that you have ever been on?
My Honeymoon!! It was amazing. We spent 9 days in the mountains
3. What is your dream job?
To become a pure-fessional for Aveda and travel with the company I currently work for
4. What is your favorite movie?
Pretty Woman
5. Do you celebrate Valentine's Day and if so, what are your plans?
I love V-Day..but my hubby works it this year
6. What is the best thing that happened to you in 2012?
I got married!!
7. Where is your favorite place to shop?
LOFT and I'm really liking Old Navy right now..Oh and Marshalls!!
8. What is the best book that you've read recently?
Probably 50 Shades
9. What is the best piece of advice that you can offer to other bloggers?
Have fun :) People read blogs to learn about you..don't be too closed off
10. What is one thing that you hope to accomplish in 2013?
Have a little one
11. What is the reason that you decided to start a blog?
My husband works at night, so I wanted something to do to pass the time

11 Questions for my nominees to answer

1. What is your favorite restaurant?
2. Have you ever used Aveda products before?
3. Do you follow The Small Things Blog?
4. Do you have any vacation plans for this year?
5. Are you happy with your current hairstylist?
6. What have you done for yourself in 2013 so far?
7. When was the last time you went on a shopping spree?
8. What is your favorite food?
9. How many followers do you hope to obtain this year?
10. What is your favortie blog?
11. How often do you check your facebook?

My Nominees
A Wife's Life
A Dash of Southern
Love, Laughter, and Lipstick
4 the Love of Beauty
Back East Blonde she has a little more than 200

Ok, I can't find any more of my blogs that have less than 200 followers!! Yikes!

Have fun ladies!


Friday, January 18, 2013

High Five for Friday is already Friday?!?! How in the world did that happen??

Top Five this week:

1. My Best Friend is in town..we have already seen each other twice..with much more of that to come!!
2. I went shopping..found a cute dress and skirt for work from Old Navy and only spent $22
3. Slept..A lot..all this working out has me exhausted
4. Had dinner with some really good friends
5. Spent some quality time with my Husband..This doesnt happen very often due to his job

Make sure you link up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk Blog
you can do that HERE!


I am trying so hard to be healthy!! I used to be SUPER, SUPER healthy, but I kind of ventured off the path last year. I don't eat HORRIBLE, but I like to squeeze in a Cinnabon here and there. So, I started packing snacks and making that smoothie every morning. I am now on Week 2 of the Live Fit trainer and I am feeling it!! My husband even bought me a super cute lunch box to encourage me to pack my snacks..LOVE HIM! He is already super healthy and super fit and he doesnt even pack snacks. At my job, Aveda, we ALWAYS have some form of yummy, bad for you, food floating around. I'm hoping these snacks steer me AWAYYYYY from the bad stuff.

Today I made my smoothie
3 cups fresh spinach
1 TBSP Peanut Butter
1/4 cup Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt
1 small banana
5 ice cubes
Snacks today include:
Cheese with Wheat Thins
2 Clementines
1 Crackerful

Do you pack your snacks?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Last Night

What do you do when you get home..and your dog has PEED on the floor? Well, first I cleaned up the pee. Then I did what any good dog owner would do..I wrote a shame note and put Scrappy in his kennel.

The hubs and I normally leave our dogs out of the kennel during the day. They don't potty in the house and they are not destructive. Generally, they sleep all day (I'm assuming), and maybe chew on a bone or two. It must be nice to be a dog. They really live the life, don't they? We don't have kids yet, so our dogs are our babies..we even call them that. They get treats, yummy meals, and they even get to sleep in the bed with us! Spolied little things! So why would he pee on the floor? I had just taken him out right before I left, and I was only gone 2 hours. Only he knows.

On another note...I am on Day 3 of my 12 week trainer!!! The program is 84 days 81 days to go..ouch, that stings!!
I do already feel better, although I am very sore. Here is what I look like now :)

Did you know you could take a picture using the volume up button on the side of your iphone?
Great quality, huh?
Not too bad, but I could definitely look better!


Monday, January 7, 2013

A Twelve Week Adventure

A few things have inspired me to jump on a 12 week workout! I have read a few blogs and success stories that have really hit home and I can definitely relate to. Do you know who Jamie Eason is?

That's her! Amazing physique, right?!

She is a fitness model, personal trainer, and fitness extraordinaire! She has helped transform lives all over and hopefully I will be the next transformation. I am doing her 12 weeks Live Fit trainer program. It consists of a daily workout schedule and eating plan. I eat pretty healthy, but I will be following the eating plan the way she has it laid out. I recorded all of my stats and took before pictures. I will be posting pictures at the end of each 4 week phase. The best part about it...IT'S FREE!! You can find it HERE!! 140 pounds seems to be my body's stopping point, so I'm eager to see if I can break past it!

Starting stats:
149 lbs...ouch :(
5' 6.5"
BMI 23.5..healthy, but on the high side of healthy..25 is overweight

My goals are:
Lose 20 pounds far reach..I know..but it's worth a shot!
Be able to see muscle definition all over my body
Have visible ab muscles...this goal will not be reached during the 12 week trainer, but after it I hope!
Feel healthier
Sleep better
Feel more confident
Be in a better state to get pregnant

So, here's to a new year and a new me! What are some personal goals you hope to accomplish this year?


Friday, January 4, 2013

High Five for Friday

This week went by SUPER fast and it was probably because it was my last week of vacation :(
However, I did make sure that my last week off was a GREAT one!! It was really hard to only pick 5.
So here they are, a few of my favorite things from this past week

1. I bought NEW shears!!!! YAY!
2. An awesome NYE with Jamie and a kick ass fire
3. Little egg souffles..easiest and fastest healthy breakfast you can make
4. Spending quality time with my pups..Tinkerbell and Scrappy
5. This has its own picture..take a look at all of the awesomeness going on right there..self explanitory!

Make sure to link up with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk Blog for #H54F


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Adventures with Dad

OMG..I went fishing with my dad :) He was so excited to have me there with him, and I was very excited to be there! We rarely have time to actually hang know..just the two of us. I have 3 brothers also, so generally we all hang out together. He called me up and asked if I would like to join him for an afternoon on the river!!! Well, YES I WOULD. If you couldn't tell from my other posts, family is very important to me. I love spending time with them and I love living only 5 minutes away from them.

OK, back to the fish. I know how to Bass fish..with a lure (these are fake, but can sometimes look real..ya know..NOT LIVING). Well my dad tells me we are fishing for something called Crappie. What the hell is a Crappie?!?! It definitely doesn't sound like something I would eat. So we are driving towards the river and my dad has to stop for he is telling me that I have to touch LIVE BAIT..I did NOT sign up for that. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a southern girl. I love the outdoors..A LOT, but those little bait fish are minnows..little tiny baby goldfish..and I had to kill them :(

We arrived to the river with our baby fish, the boat, and a big cup of sweet tea. My dad proceeds to back the boat down in to the water and then tells me I have to finish backing it in all the way. My husband is usually then one who does this..not me. So, after I almost knocked my dad out of the boat, we were off! It was quite chilly outside about 60 degrees, so I am glad I wore leggings under my jeans. The river was quiet, but the birds were so loud!

We met my dads boss down there and he hadn't had any luck..and he had been there since daylight. Not looking good for pops and I. When you fish for Crappie, you just put the minnow on the hook and set the pole in the casting..and then you wait. This is my kind of seemed pretty effortless :) And then..BOOM, my cork sinks..I HAVE A FISH!! That fish is pulling like crazy..moving the line all over the place. And this is what he looked like..

WOW..that little guy sure did whip me up!
But it didn't stop there.

Down the cork went AGAIN!! This time..I knew the fish was was pulling WAY more than that little thing..I was right..look at that thing!
Do NOT judge..No makeup..and old clothes lol
Pictures are from my phone..not the best quality :(

Meet my dad!!


After I caught the big kahuna, we decided to call it a day. The wind was starting to blow and the sun was starting to set. The sunset leaving the river was so pretty :)

And that was the end of the Father/Daughter fishing adventure! Call your Dad sometime this week and tell him how much you love him. You will never really know how much that means to him :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's a new year..What!?!?


You know what that means?! Another amazing year gone, and hopefully an even better year ahead. 
A lot happened last year and I must say, it was a pretty amazing year! 
Two of the biggest things that happened to me last year:

I married my best friend in September :)
Here are a couple of pics!
  Due to the nature of my husbands job, he has requested that his image not be posted :)

And....we decided to remodel our house! We are not living in it while we remodel, so it is a lot easier to work on. It is starting to really look great and I can't wait to be finished! We are hoping to move in within the next 3 months..which means we better get to movin'! Once we move in, I will be flooding the blog with pictures of my Pinterest attempts! I can't wait to decorate..paint..make cute crafts..and cook in my very own kitchen :)

Now, on to last night...

Last night was a great NYE! The hubs was working so I decided to spend some time with a great friend! We attempted to build a fire...EPIC FAIL..until we called the boy. He told us what to do..and
ta-da! A FIRE!

We roasted hotdogs over the fire..YUM! And made some yummy s'mores :)
Jamie had never had a s'more before..SAY WHAT?! Is that even legal? So she made one, and then another..and maybe even another!

All in all, we had an amazing time sitting by the fire and just talking. Every girl needs a night like that. I'm pretty sure that I may have even convinced her to go to hot yoga with me tomorrow!
So, here's to another great year with more adventures, fun trips, and hopefully a baby!
What did you do for NYE?