
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Adventures with Dad

OMG..I went fishing with my dad :) He was so excited to have me there with him, and I was very excited to be there! We rarely have time to actually hang know..just the two of us. I have 3 brothers also, so generally we all hang out together. He called me up and asked if I would like to join him for an afternoon on the river!!! Well, YES I WOULD. If you couldn't tell from my other posts, family is very important to me. I love spending time with them and I love living only 5 minutes away from them.

OK, back to the fish. I know how to Bass fish..with a lure (these are fake, but can sometimes look real..ya know..NOT LIVING). Well my dad tells me we are fishing for something called Crappie. What the hell is a Crappie?!?! It definitely doesn't sound like something I would eat. So we are driving towards the river and my dad has to stop for he is telling me that I have to touch LIVE BAIT..I did NOT sign up for that. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a southern girl. I love the outdoors..A LOT, but those little bait fish are minnows..little tiny baby goldfish..and I had to kill them :(

We arrived to the river with our baby fish, the boat, and a big cup of sweet tea. My dad proceeds to back the boat down in to the water and then tells me I have to finish backing it in all the way. My husband is usually then one who does this..not me. So, after I almost knocked my dad out of the boat, we were off! It was quite chilly outside about 60 degrees, so I am glad I wore leggings under my jeans. The river was quiet, but the birds were so loud!

We met my dads boss down there and he hadn't had any luck..and he had been there since daylight. Not looking good for pops and I. When you fish for Crappie, you just put the minnow on the hook and set the pole in the casting..and then you wait. This is my kind of seemed pretty effortless :) And then..BOOM, my cork sinks..I HAVE A FISH!! That fish is pulling like crazy..moving the line all over the place. And this is what he looked like..

WOW..that little guy sure did whip me up!
But it didn't stop there.

Down the cork went AGAIN!! This time..I knew the fish was was pulling WAY more than that little thing..I was right..look at that thing!
Do NOT judge..No makeup..and old clothes lol
Pictures are from my phone..not the best quality :(

Meet my dad!!


After I caught the big kahuna, we decided to call it a day. The wind was starting to blow and the sun was starting to set. The sunset leaving the river was so pretty :)

And that was the end of the Father/Daughter fishing adventure! Call your Dad sometime this week and tell him how much you love him. You will never really know how much that means to him :)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun father/daughter date! LOVE that it's fishing!

    So glad I found your blog and can't wait to follow along!

    Wiishing you all the best in 2013!

    It's an Easy Life]
