
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

YAY!! I was nominated for a Liebster award!! It is an award that recognizes up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers. Huge thank you to Liz over at Beyond Blonde Blog for nominating me!!

Here's how it works:

1. List 11 random facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.
3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each blogger's page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
My 11 random facts
1. I eat Chipotle at least 2 to 3 times a week
2. I have to sleep with two blankets on each night, no matter how hot I get
3. I secretly like Taylor Swift and Justin Beiber..yikes!
4. I work, on average, 60 hours a week
5. Reese's Eggs taste better than regular Reese's to me
6.I'm addicted to Instagram (follow me: Morganharts86)
7. When I get home from work, I sit on the couch for 20 min and do not move. No TV, no phone, o computer. My job is censory overload sometimes
8. I ask my husband every week for a Macbook Air..I still haven't received it :(
9. I am the Educator Coach at Aveda Institute by day and housewife by night
10. My hair is naturally curly, but I blow dry it and curl it with a curling iron every single day
11 Questions..Answered
1. What is the one TV show that you cannot miss?
Nashville..I make sure that I do not have plans on Wednesday night
2. What is best vacation that you have ever been on?
My Honeymoon!! It was amazing. We spent 9 days in the mountains
3. What is your dream job?
To become a pure-fessional for Aveda and travel with the company I currently work for
4. What is your favorite movie?
Pretty Woman
5. Do you celebrate Valentine's Day and if so, what are your plans?
I love V-Day..but my hubby works it this year
6. What is the best thing that happened to you in 2012?
I got married!!
7. Where is your favorite place to shop?
LOFT and I'm really liking Old Navy right now..Oh and Marshalls!!
8. What is the best book that you've read recently?
Probably 50 Shades
9. What is the best piece of advice that you can offer to other bloggers?
Have fun :) People read blogs to learn about you..don't be too closed off
10. What is one thing that you hope to accomplish in 2013?
Have a little one
11. What is the reason that you decided to start a blog?
My husband works at night, so I wanted something to do to pass the time

11 Questions for my nominees to answer

1. What is your favorite restaurant?
2. Have you ever used Aveda products before?
3. Do you follow The Small Things Blog?
4. Do you have any vacation plans for this year?
5. Are you happy with your current hairstylist?
6. What have you done for yourself in 2013 so far?
7. When was the last time you went on a shopping spree?
8. What is your favorite food?
9. How many followers do you hope to obtain this year?
10. What is your favortie blog?
11. How often do you check your facebook?

My Nominees
A Wife's Life
A Dash of Southern
Love, Laughter, and Lipstick
4 the Love of Beauty
Back East Blonde she has a little more than 200

Ok, I can't find any more of my blogs that have less than 200 followers!! Yikes!

Have fun ladies!



  1. I am new to your blog and I'm so glad I found it! I invite you to check mine out! I hope you have a great weekend! =)

    -Heidi Harlequin

  2. I didn't know you blogged!!! I just checked my followers and found you! Thanks for nominating me from your blog. Hope you're doing well girl! If you would ever like to guest blog for each other let me know! XO!

  3. I love your blog, too cute! I'd love to work for Aveda, that would be AMAZING!

    xo, Megan
    indie flower
